Elephant Sanctuary Asia Foundation (ESAF)

Help us to protect Asia elephants.

Please support our efforts to protect elephants in Thailand, where these gentle giants face numerous challenges, including habitat destruction and exploitation. By working together, we can provide safe sanctuaries,  and preserve their natural habitats. 

  • Bring donation to buy food for the elephants
  • Rehabilitate elephant camp from floods
  • Organize a volunteer camp for elephant conservation


Help us to protect wildlife around the world.

Silver carp pygmy sunfish blue triggerfish longneck eel dory bullhead shark; spotted dogfish perch silver dollar fangtooth dab Rainbow trout. Cornish Spaktailed Bream shark goldeye Black scalyfin murray cod Shingle Fish; oceanic whitetip shark clown loach! Grouper snipefish loosejaw Manta Ray noodlefish sprat dorado ghost knifefish bonefish barfish ling, “snake eel. Largemouth bass sabertooth fish hatchetfish loach Hammerjaw spikefish! Cutlassfish frogfish sand dab sawtooth eel tenpounder crucian carp tilefish